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At Long Last!

Isak Bloom |

I am not, in fact, dead, and the serial is not, in fact, abandoned. See for yourselves —

1-001-05 is now up.

Most of the people reading this, at this point, are likely to know me personally, online and off, but for the sake of politeness, posterity and on the off-chance that I’ve got readers I’ve not personally talked to, I feel an obligation to explain.

So here it is: I am very fucking sick. My health is atrocious at the best of times, due to chronic illness (as many people could probably tell, from how Leyb’s written), and I’m prone to lingering bronchitis every few months. On top of that, for some unclear reason, 1-001-05 gave me no end of trouble to write. I really have no idea why; it is not particularly complex, it contained no difficult emotional bombshells like some other scenes have, and it was not even particularly long. But it still took me an inordinate amount of time to finish it.

After thinking about it, I’ve decided to attempt updating with one scene at a time, posted as soon as they’re finished (but because I’m bloody-minded, backdated; I still hold out hope of catching up to a once-weekly update). I am hoping that if I can get back to updating semi-regularly, I can eventually resume posting longer updates once a week — two to four scenes every Sunday, as originally planned. But

right now, I just want to update with something, and 1-001-05 is as good as I’ll get it this go-round. Maybe in ten years I’ll have to rewrite it totally, or maybe in two years I’ll have to rewrite it for style, but for now? It’s good enough, so up it goes.

The mirrors on SV and ScribbleHub will be updated later, possibly as late as Sunday. The main site’s my priority right now.

That’s all! Git Shabbos, see you all soon!

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The Bitter Drop © 2014–2024, Isidore Bloom; licensed under

